Thursday, February 11, 2010

Manch 411 is up!

Manch 411 is the SMS version of Porc411. Send a text to (703) 755-0411, and it will be relayed through Google Voice, TwitterMail, and Twitter to all phones set up to follow. To follow Manch411:

Create a Twitter account, and verify your email.
Text "Start" to 40404.
You'll get a text back, text your Twitter user name to 40404.
You'll get a text back, text your Twitter password to 40404.
Go to and click follow.
You should see a green box with two arrows and a lighter box with a phone. Click the phone (it should turn green).

Any texts sent to (703) 755-0411 will get through to your phone in seconds. There were no 603 numbers available so I went with 703, not because of the similarity though. Keene411, 420at420, and Agora411 are all coming soon, as is a tutorial on starting new Kwik411s.


  1. I was tempted to go run and set up Keene411 - but since you have it planned, I'll leave it to you. Looking forward to promoting this useful tool!!


  2. Thanks for this service. It seems like it could be useful.

    FYI: It looks like Google Voice cannot (or will not) send texts to 40404 (my guess is they will not text any non-standard phone number).
